No Win, No Fee

Mis-Sold Solar Panel Claims

You could be entitled to a refund!

Did you buy solar panels using a finance agreement or credit card?

Were you promised:

  • Reduced Energy Bills
  • Financial benefits from the Feed-in-Tariff
  • That the panels would ‘pay for themselves’?

BUT are you now paying the monthly finance repayments that significantly outweigh any benefits?

If so, you could be entitled to compensation.

RMD Legal could help you obtain a full or partial refund if you:

  • Bought the panels within the last 6 years
  • Used a finance agreement or credit card to pay
  • Are facing monthly finance repayments greater than the savings generated by the solar panels.

For a FREE, no obligation initial assessment please complete this simple form. You can also call us on 0191 820 6906 or email us at and we will contact you without delay to discuss your case.

And remember, our service is ‘No Win, No Fee’.


Just fill in this form and we’ll be in touch

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    Solar Panels were sold as investments with the promise of high returns that would cover the monthly finance payments.  Clients were advised the systems would self-fund and pay for themselves. RMD Legal act for client’s who were mis sold solar panels on the basis of these false promises, obtaining redress and writing off ongoing finance charges.


    Our Address
    Office 19, Newcastle Enterprise Centres, 6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XF
    0191 820 6906
    Where To Find Us
    Our Address
    Office 19, Newcastle Enterprise Centres, 6 Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4XF

    ©RMD Legal 2021. RMD Legal is a trading name of RJM Law Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority registration number 810020 and registered at Companies House in England & Wales under number 12952499. VAT registered number 423 2219 36.