Frequently Asked Questions

We handle the majority of claims on a No Win, No Fee basis. Our charges to you are dependent upon the individual type of case and are typically a percentage of the compensation amount that we obtain for you. We will advise you if the relevant charges before we forward our No Win No Fee Agreement and discuss these with you however our typical charge is between 25-30% of the benefit you receive from our involvement. There is no charge if your claim is unsuccessful providing that you cooperate throughout the duration of your case.
You may be able to claim for compensation if you’ve been injured in an accident that wasn’t your fault or you’ve lost money due to the negligence of a Financial Advisor or you have been mis sold or mis represented a product. Our site advises of the areas that we cover however we are happy to discuss any case type where you believe you have suffered financial loss as a result of someone else’s fault.
Check out our 5 simple steps to winning your case for a breakdown of how your case will run. This includes assessing your claim, preparing and making the claim then advising you of the outcome. We will keep you advised throughout the process and discuss all options with you at every step of the way so that you are fully informed to make any decisions.

The remedy achieved in settlement of a claim will be largely dependent upon the individual circumstances of your case. Clearly the amount will depend on the nature of the claim and depending on factors (where applicable) such as:

  • Your financial loss to date
  • Any future losses
  • Distress and inconvenience
  • Any loss had you not received the advice/product
  • The nature and extent of any injuries suffered

The length of time it will take for your claim to settle depends on the individual circumstances of each case. Straightforward cases may be settled within a few months, however it make take longer if the case needs to be referred to the Ombudsman/Court if the parties cannot agree on an outcome.

Again, this is dependent on the type of claim. We will review these time limits at the initial consultation as there may be external factors in your specific claim which could affect the rules involving how long you have to pursue a case. We will advise you of these as part of our review of your case.

If you have relevant documents this will speed up your claim, however, in most circumstances, we can obtain documents with your signed authority. We can obtain these on your behalf to take any hassle out of the process. We will be able to advise you on this as part of your claim.

We will provide regular proportionate updates via email throughout the course of the claim. We will keep you updated of all developments as they happen.

This is not necessary in most cases and we act for clients throughout the country. We are able to communicate via a variety of methods and have facilities to contact clients electronically and via telephone so we will not be required to meet you face to face in the majority of claims.

In the vast majority of cases it is very unlikely that you will need to attend Court. This is a last resort in certain cases however very few claims fail to conclude prior to Trial, therefore very few cases proceed this far without a satisfactory outcome.

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    South Northumberland CC,Roseworth Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1LU
    0191 820 6906
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    South Northumberland CC,Roseworth Terrace, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 1LU

    ©RMD Legal 2021. RMD Legal is a trading name of RJM Law Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority registration number 810020 and registered at Companies House in England & Wales under number 12952499. VAT registered number 423 2219 36.